The Faculty of Medicine offers eight undergraduate programs in Health Sciences with a duration between five and seven years.
Shorter programs are also available.


The Faculty of Medicine offers five Doctoral Programs and fifteen Masters Programs.
The Faculty of Medicine trains more than half of Chile's physicians.
Academics in the Faculty of Medicine are well renowned in Chile and in the world.


TThe Faculty of Medicine and Clinical Hospital of the Universidad de Chile are commonly awarded about one third of the total national research awards in medicine: 70-80 Regular Fondecyt research awards, 20-25 Primary Fondecyt awards, and 30-40 Fondecyt Post-Doctoral awards every year. The Faculty generates around 400 ISI publications annually. This is more than 5% of all indexed articles published in the country each year. In addition, the Faculty carries out applied research through Corfo Innova, Fondef, and Fonis projects. Annually, the Faculty receives numerous international researchers, and its faculty has productive international activity as researchers, exhibitors and guest professors.