International collaboration with universities in Latin America

Throughout the last decades, the Faculty of Medicine has developed and established multiple associations and agreements with international universities, including institutions from the Region, from which many activities have been implemented.

In the context of this project, the Faculty is committed to developing and strengthening South-South international collaboration by establishing official relations with universities in Latin America in the area of Medical and Bio Medical Sciences Doctoral Programs. Previous academic collaboration among researchers is relevant to establish an international collaboration at the level of graduate programs.

The joint activities to be considered in the South Sur international collaboration include among others:

• Explore possible common interests of collaboration in accordance with the development levels of each institution

• Co-operatively terms of conditions for the admission of students to the JDPs

• Promote the participation of academic researchers in one or more JDPs

• Promote interactions between researchers / students in multi-country projects under the JDPs and existing networks



Faculty of Medicine signs agreement with the University of Antioquia

The agreement formalizes the collaboration and exchange between our campus, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Antioquia and the Academic Corporation of Biomedical Basic Sciences of that University, to collectively achieve significant contributions in fields related to teaching, research and extension.
The director of International Relations of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Miguel O’Ryan, explained that the signing of this agreement dates back to a work initiated in 2016 and a decided strategy of this campus to internationalize their work.